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Strong Interventions for Pahad: Mahika Phartiyal from Nainital

"Definitely, without a doubt because the hilly people still need a holistic and normative approach to expand. When they will find out that there are people who care for the culture , they will definitely be happy to preserve it. There should be interventions whereby they can be economically sustained by expanding their art and culture." says Mahika Phartiyal when we asked her if connecting to our native places will help change the present state of hills in Uttarakhand.

Mahika is a young dynamic girl who belongs to Nainital, presently a senior student pursuing Sociology Honours from Banaras Hindu University. She has done her schooling from St. Mary's Convent Nainital.

A girl who hails from the hills and lives in the modern era, is very much connected with her roots and shows deep interest in preserving the culture of hills and uplifting women in Uttarakhand.

On asking Mahika, what are the major problems Pahadi women are facing, she says "The primary problem that a Pahadi women faces is due to the underdeveloped villages with no water source and a very tough household life, due to which they are unable to take out time for various other recreational activities. Apart from that there are no medical care in the villages that is one of the major problems." This alone is one of the major reasons of people migrating.

We strongly believe if we start spreading awareness about the same, it can surely bring some change to our hills, also a strong community of women from hills, uniting together can also create impactful development.

Mahika also tells us what her favourite pahadi food is, she says "Not one but many. but top 3 being Bhatt ke dupke, Ras bhaat and chesa bhaat <3" . She is one of the very first supporter of the initiative "That Pahadi Girl" and with her even we are planning to spread our message to more people. We wish Mahika good luck for a truly bright and successful future!

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